In the spanish evening
A lot of people were watching
You fumbled across the stage
Found your place
Not wanting to disappoint
You played the ones we knew
Buzzing around
Like a friendly bee
You seemed old
Like a tree
There you were
In your lumberjack shirt
Chasing honey
Chopping wood
You stopped once to play a song
Then went back to work
People said you were rad
I've seen better wood choppers
But you weren't bad
Here I slept
Between crumbling bricks, noisy birds and giant bees
In your shade
Standing like a God
Branches tangled with the sky
Feelings unsettle me
As gargoyles find peace
Give Me A Whiskey
Doors swing open
Give me a whiskey
As another Clint Eastwood
Enters the metro
Outside iron bars
To Gaudi's fucked-up Cathedral
Half waffle, half dough
Left too long in the oven
Overdosing on sunlight and apples
So many small, well behaved dogs
Taking their time to decide
Keeping everything so discreet
Turquoise Ambulancia
Turquiose Ambulancia
Sitting like
A Turquiose Duck
Wheels inflated
Eyes flashing
While the onlooker
Feels for crumbs
Furtively fingers
Carrier bags
Eyes wide
Jaws ablaze
Violently munching
Spanish Squirrel
Secretly munching
He keeps it hidden
Incase of pigeons
Placa De Bonet I MUIXI, May 2009

Pigeon in Parc De La Ciutadella, June 2009

Parc De La Ciutadella, June 2009
Bogatell Beach, June 2009

Stuart on Bogatell Beach, June 2009

People in shadows at Parc Guell, June 2009

'friendly bee' - i like this analogy. friendly bees are awesome :)