tractor glockenspiele la di da ghostly moans tip toe swimming baths & three blind mice eeek eek on a steam train owowowoow munch papa
cobwebs speaking fountain whistle err err errshshshhshshshhsbrrrr raraargh elv little marbles pouring from fountain & train sneezes propeller doors growl explosive nose middle class gentle chatter
boy spins
more engine rumbles
und taxi ok ja
balk like telephones
feet shuffling urhrhrdrip
How the mighty fell
Ich bin snake slither round babytoes nein akkkah uh bad train jazz trumpeter da dit da dum di do do do da doo olodadurdur dur dur dur da
clitter clattercoins gruffvoice silent bite low murmur or er o r er or
::heavy metal low on ears
taps finger-book earthquakes
shudder takes form cutwood
water spray or er or er mansaw
mowlawn brush the crumbs
sshsh spin spin or zzzzzzzz hahahhahahrurrlz green shoes tap foot tap or er or er or cough
rusty joints rumble
if your brother grrrrrrar
faintly treptower park sinzor er or rattle wittenburg rattle
how the mighty fell
Jelly trains
German heavy breathing cobbled stones folk song in a forest green raincoat as we chug along rats & trains reluctant to bicycle sandwich rapper siren rattlenake devin dun in ballet shoes monster unn ehhum ehhum um err unehm tweet tw rusty brakes waves ////cars/// sing a song behappy
delicate feet
whistle tourists
sie neopunk
jelly trains
da da da
zuruck klein bitte fridge bell auf sweet ghosts on tracks cough hollow hospital einsteigen bitte zurukklein bitte urrrr urrr shshshsh bells whisper hhhhhhh revolving wheels sleepy german nachmin strasse einsteigen bitte rrrrruckkleinbittle eeeeee barbar uber stegrek chubchchch crarrrrrrrrrem buschregbite shhh roars closed rrarr tiptap problem kl mumble mumble do dido di do di hallo tmrwm sa hhahaha handclap shding subway feet foot dance ja scratchy nose hair ?.. hhaha raraKKeinsteigen bitte zuruk klein bitte radio voice bar bar di da saxophone uber gra gra man sshshsh gas release einsteigen bitte zuruck klein bitte spanish guitar do do saxophone train flamenco chatter do for me nagos di quando la quando de de de aoooooh aooh la quando ohoh obo bo announcement danke danke oooshsh zugnach ando ando bitte kleinbitte plastic wrapper pink ba ba uber carrier bag squash zugnach rathaus einsteigen bitte zuruck klein bitte accordian brrrr dodo uber dan ho nein
Shhhhhhh Bahn
shshshsh spiders walk haha kuh kuh! weiss boll lips squeek da da! -----einstweig cough cough gas einsteigen bitte foot zuruck klein bitte cough bar bar uber drei newspaper folds hands on carrier
einsteigen bitte
foottap clipclopclipclop huh einsteigen bitte shshsh
crumpled paper zugnach
einsteig zuruck klein dardar
einsteig aa electrical buzz
jingle change darem darem
kuh kuh shtt zip brush hair
dead fly brah brah
Thursday, 22 October 2009
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